5 Measures to prevent load-induced pain in welding

08-Jul-2022 04:00:00

Muscle pain and tension are almost an inevitable part in welding. But there are ways to avoid them.

Welding in forced positions, monotonous welding work, unsuitable welding torch size ... there are various causes for load pain and overload pain during welding. Fortunately, there are measures to prevent muscle pain and tension in welding and to relieve your body after strenuous work.


I have compiled 5 different approaches to load induced pain in welding for you in this section.

1. Lightweight welding torches

The development of welding torches has meanwhile progressed so far that the materials used in a manual welding torch and the associated cable assembly are lighter than they were about ten years ago. High-quality plastics have replaced metals, light metal components are used in power cables instead of the usual copper, wall thicknesses have been reduced without affecting stability, to name just a few of the further developments.

2. Ergonomically designed welding torches

The ergonomic design of a manual welding torch with cable assembly also plays a decisive role in determining how much strain the weight of the torch puts on the welder's muscles. If the manual torch and cable assembly are completely balanced, there is no need for additional force to compensate between these two components. For example, a ball-joint between the handle and the cable assembly provides relief by reducing the leverage effect on the wrist. This additionally facilitates the pendulum movement during welding.

3. Optimal torch handle

A welding torch must feel comfortable in the hand, the handle diameter must be neither too large nor too small, in order not to put excessive strain on the forearm muscles. The position of the trigger must also be placed in such a way that both the distance and the angle between the finger and the trigger allow the trigger to be pressed easily.

4. Torch neck adapted to the task

For some welding tasks, a standard torch neck is too short and you have to bend over to reach the welding point. In the long run, this puts a lot of strain on the back, shoulder and arm muscles. In such cases, a long torch neck relieves the back because you can stand upright while welding.

5. Regular fitness exercises

As with all physically demanding activities, targeted and regularly applied fitness exercises to strengthen the muscles prevent overstraining and pain. Even after a welding workday, relaxation exercises – also practised regularly – help to regenerate stressed muscle groups.

Please also have a look at this short video on this topic.

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