As part of this year's General Assembly of the European Welding Association EWA, the election of the President was also on the agenda. The fact that I was re-elected after a two-year term confirms that my commitment to welding technology is going in the right direction and is considered forward-looking.
WELDPROF goes #short
My younger fan community thrives on short infos in video format. For the older ones among you, this is often new territory. I don't take myself out of that. We are talking about so-called "shorts", short videos with a maximum length of 60 seconds. You can now also see me in these. I want to make knowledge also accessible to all those who want to get information quickly.
Topics: Basic knowledge
Why is the ignition process so important in TIG welding?
To start a TIG welding process, the arc must be ignited to create an electrically conductive path between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The high temperature generated when the arc is ignited ensures that the shielding gas becomes electrically conductive. The ignition process in TIG welding is an important process that determines the further course of the weld and its quality.
Topics: Basic knowledge
How do you recognise a good tungsten electrode?
Anyone who welds high-quality metals and wants clean and visually appealing weld seams should use a TIG welding torch. In TIG welding, non-melting tungsten electrodes – also called TIG electrodes – are used. A tungsten electrode can be called an absolutely essential part of a TIG welding torch, because it has a significant influence on the success of a weld seam as required.
Topics: Basic knowledge